Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Book haul : Bookalicious book store visit

Last weekend my best friend and I drove all the way from Kedah to The Summit USJ to visit Bookalicious Book Store. I've been dying to go there and I'm glad that I made a stop with my best friend despite of heavy traffic jam and pouring rain. I really love the book store although I haven't spend more time because I need to return to Kedah that night. The seller was kind enough asking me if there were any particular books I was looking for. I told her that I used to purchase books online from the store and she recognized my name instantly.  

I bought four books. 


  1. best x novel thrione of glass nie...tengok cover mcm gempak jeeeeeee ~ccc(,)(,)

    1. Boleh baca review saya tentang buku Throne of Glass.
